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Sunday, June 6, 2010

Instruct me, wash me, love me

I do a few loads of laundry.  Just a few. 

This past Christmas, while my oldest son Ethan literally drooled over the holiday toy ads, circling each game, toy, and action figure with a black magic marker, I was sitting next to him, doing the same to the Lowe's and Home Depot ads.  There was nothing more I wanted than a new washer and dryer (I've already got my 2 front teeth, thanks). 

Unfortunately, Santa couldn't fit a pair into my stocking, so I make due with my Whirlpools, circa 1999.  They work just fine, and honestly, if I had a shiny red pair of these I might just never come up from the basement.

But, shopping for detergent the other day, I realized, this ain't cheap.  I could make something myself more economical and more earth friendly.  That's when I hit up this great site!  Recipes galore for making your own detergent.  Some dry, some liquid.  Whatever you'd like.

I'm going to try it, and of course, let you know how it turns out.  You do the same, and let me know what you picked.  Let's share the laundry love, peeps. 

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