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Friday, September 10, 2010

Stain Drain

I have to admit, I get a kick out of laundry.  It's nice to see something go in filthy and come out clean, isn't it?  I thought it was fun...until I had two very actively boyish boys. 

Getting stains out is my new profession.  I am literally working on getting my doctorate in grass stain removal.  Summer isn't the time for grass stains--the kids are in shorts.  It's this time of year when the jeans and khakis take a licking and have to keep ticking. Here is what I have found gets the grass out the first time, every time

-Spray N' Wash with Resolve
This stuff is wonderful.  I have used it on grass stains that have set in the laundry hamper for 3 days, and they still came out.  Be careful though, it's powerful.  Use carefully on lighter khaki clothing--I have used it on Ethan's pants and have made sure not to let it set as long as I normally would.  NEVER let this stuff dry on the stain. Get it into the wash pronto. 

Have you found something that is tried and true?  Share with me! 
Happy washing!